Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Silent Satsang - (By Dr.Mithin Aachi)

The next day again I was late for satsang but fortunately not very late. Sri Nannagaru was just about to sit in the chair.He beckoned me to come closer and sit in front of him but I could not due to space constraint.

Sri Nannagaru thought for a moment and said "Ok no problem. Be seated where you are. It will suffice."

I wondered what he meant by that.

I soon found out.

The next one hour was PURE BLISS.Sri Nannagaru was Silent throughout.Not a word escaped his lips. He closed his eyes and went into deep meditative trance.I watched him for a moment and then decided to feast my eyes on the physical form of Sri Nannagaru.It is a rare birth where one can see God so closely I felt. Let me utilize this oppurtunity to the maximum I decided.I looked looked looked at him. I looked at his face, at his wrinkles at his eyebrows, his head, his arms, his shoulders his waist, his legs, his feet.I drank in with ecstasy the Vision of the Beloved.

To increase my ecstasy Sri Nannagaru raised his left leg and placed it on his right knee.

My face was millimeters away from the left foot sole.

I could see small dust particles sticking to the sole, the creases of the skin, the hue of blood in its veins etc.

Ah! I though mesemerized.

How many millions of Universes lie in this foot. Is that dust particle a galaxy or a universe? It must be a universe for galaxy is such a small thing to come in Sri Nannagaru's foot I thought excitedly.

I saw his skin fold on his toes, the wrinkles, the prints and marvelled at them.

The Great Foot of God coveted by the gods and rakshasas alike!

The Supreme Being Sri Nannagaru!

Lord Subramanya! I thought about all the body marks of Sri Nannagaru which are Self Evident as the birthmarks of Lord Subramanya.

I had only not seen Palani Hill in his body.

I prayed intensely and silently 'I have seen all body marks of Lord Subramanya on your body. Kindly show me Palani Hill.'

No sooner did I pray thus, slowly I saw Palani Hill beautifully carved out on the Being of Sri Nannagaru';s throat. Also I was able to see a Shiva Linga there!

I understood, Sri Nannagaru was not only Lord Subramanyam but also Neelakanta Shiva who drinks the poisons of our lives and gives us the nectar of Bliss!

I left Sri Nannagaru that day and returned in the afternoon to another place where he would be coming. It was from here that Sri Nannagaru would leave to the Railway Station in the evening.

I arrived and soon made my way to the flat.

Already a lot of lady devotees were seated in the flat waiting for the Guru to come. Amidst all of them I felt a little embarassed and quickly left the place.

I arrived again in the evening with my family and introduced my son, wife and mother in law and my neice to Sri Nannagaru. My wife and son had met him previously but my neice and mother in law were meeting him for the first time.

My mother in law was impressed at his peace and my neice felt that she saw Sri Venkateshwara Swamy in him. She was just 14 yrs old

It was then time for us to leave. I saw many Sri Nannagaru devotees staying back for dropping him to the railway station. I felt sad.

Then on an impulse I decided to go the railway station after dropping my family.

Dropping them at home I took out my 1965 Royal Enfield Bullet and raced my way to the railway station.

I arrived and rushed into the Railway Station wondering whether I had missed him.

I hhad not. His train had not arrived and he too was on his way.

I met Ravi Shankargaru in the railway station and we soon saw Sri Nannagaru enter the platform.

He was surrounded by his devotees like Gopika, Greeshma, Karuna etc who formed a human shield of protection around him and quickly ushered him to the place his compartment would stop.

I had a brief eye contact with him and he smiled knowing very well that it was my destiny to be in that railway station that day.

As we came to the place where his train would stop someone asked me 'Where can he wait? Is this the place where the train would come?'

I nodded confident that my enquiries previously from the Coolies were correct.

But can he sit here and wait?

I was immediately answered by a fresh wave of air coming form the fan above.

I gestured that Sri Nannagaru can wait here.

Sri Nannagaru caught my eye looking at the ceiling fan and he looked up and decided to stay there.

I was Stunned at his grace!

But soon some devotees came and told him that a few yards in front there was a better sitting place.

Sri Nannagaru moved to that place and sat. I felt sad that I offered the Guru a poor place to wait where there was no air but the fan was good.

Sri Nannagaru sat on the stone slab for a momnt and then got up and said 'There is no air here. We will go back to the place where the fan is.'

I was stunned again beyond my senses at his Mercy.

A chair was arranged for him and he came and sat there under the fan.

All devotees came and sat around him and there was a huge crowd much to the exasperation of the railway police.

'Who is he?' asked many a curious passerby

'He is Sri Jinnuru Nannagaru' the devotees would reply. The stranger would look at Sri Nannagaru and I would immediately wonder at his great destiny that made him gaze at God.

I was at the end of the crowd hidden from Sri Nannagru's eyes all that time. I was hesitant to approach him because I was wearing chappals. All my life I never wore sandals in front of Sri Nannagaru and I was ashamed that I broke the rule here.

Slowly the train arrived and Sri Nannagaru climbed it.

He stood at the doorway and looked at everyone slowly showering them with Grace.

I stood nearly concealed behind a pillar watching him and saluting him

For a millisecond, his eyes rested on me and there was a perceptible nod.

I raised my salute and his eyes moved on.

I felt thrilled to ecstasy!

Soon he moved inside and the train left.

Dr.Mithin Aachi is an orthopaedic surgeon by profession. He is a star-gazer, painter, and writer. He is an amalgamation of all kinds of arts and activities. He is a happy go lucky person, who just sees love in everything. From the very tender age, he had an quest to know the truth. He admires and worships Rama Krishna and believes Nannagaru is an avatar of Rama Krishna and worships him in this form. He is a simple person who is an embodiment of love.


  1. we r amazed to see your devotion.It is indeed Guru's gift to u.
    Thanku for sharing everything with us without hiding anything.
    We too can enjoy and imitate your feelings though we may not be having so much devotion.Thank u so much.

  2. dear sunitha,mithin is not great,he is like u and me,a normal human being, all the credit goes to the Guru who moulded him that way. Please dont bloat his ego lest he would stop sharing with us.
